Aberdeenshire Council Child Protection Training

Aberdeenshire Council Child Protection Training from Aberlour Futures for the early learning and childcare workforce can be booked through the ALDO learning portal.

We are commissioned by Aberdeenshire Council to provide child protection training for all staff working with children and young people and their families.

Everyone who has contact with children and their families has a part to play in ensuring children and young people are safe and that you are confident in your practice to respond to any concern you may have.   The courses are designed at 3 levels:

  • Introduction to Child Protection
  • Child Protection Refresher - Developing Your Knowledge
  • Managers & Designated Child Protection Officer Training
AberlourPic : Peter Devlin

Introduction to Child Protection

  • 2 hours, delivered via MS Teams
  • Live and interactive


Learning aims

  • Understand your role and develop confident practice in responding to the needs and protecting children in your care.
  • Be aware of the different types of abuse
  • Know where you can report any concerns about child abuse or neglect


Who is this course for?

  • Staff or volunteers who have not received child protection training in the last 3 years
  • Anyone new to working with children and families

Refresher/Developing Your Child Protection Knowledge

  • 3 hours, delivered via MS Teams
  • Live and interactive


Learning Aims

  • Understand the relevant legislation & policy and how it relates to your role.
  • Explore the continuum of support from Getting it Right for Every Child through to Child Protection
  • Understand why Chronologies are important in safeguarding children and what the term significant event means
  • Explore tools & resources that are available to support practice
  • Understand the steps to take if you are concerned about a child


Who is this course for?

  • The next level course following completion of the Introduction to Child Protection
  • For staff who have completed the introduction course in the last 3 years.

Managers/Designated Child Protection Officer Training

  • 3 hours, delivered via MS Teams
  • Live and interactive


Learning Aims

  • Understand the relevant legislation & policy and how it relates to your role.
  • Explore the continuum of support from Getting it Right for Every Child through to Child Protection
  • Understand why Chronologies are important in protecting children and reflect on professional judgement regarding what counts as a significant event
  • Explore tools & resources that are available to support practice
  • Understand the steps to take if there are concerns about a child
  • Multiagency processes to address concerns, ‘what happens next?’
  • Increased confidence in record keeping and information security


Who is this course for?

  • For staff who have responsibility for responding to child protection concerns.

Aberdeenshire Council Child Protection Training from Aberlour Futures for the early learning and childcare workforce can be booked through the ALDO learning portal.