Gain a Head Start in Your Modern Apprenticeship: Join Our Readiness for Assessment Program this August!

July 11, 2023

Do you wish that you had a head start in your Modern Apprenticeship? We’re thrilled to announce that our upcoming Modern Apprentice Readiness for Assessment program will be running again this August!


The Readiness for Assessment training programme is designed to provide extra support to you before starting a Modern Apprenticeship in the Early Learning and Childcare sector. That way you can be equipped with essential knowledge and skills you need to succeed.


Recently we congratulated a group of young people as they successfully completed our programme to prepare them to start their Modern Apprenticeship in Social Services (Children and Young People).


Throughout the programme, they delved into important topics such as the role of a Modern Apprentice, understanding the Health and Social Care Standards, and the significance of Child Development.


One student who completed the programme reflected how the training helped her prepare:

“The training was very informative, and it gave me a good idea of what to expect in my modern apprenticeship. We also got lots of information about the health and social care standards in detail.”


If you’re between the ages of 16 and 24 and currently employed in the childcare sector, the Readiness for Assessment programme is ideal for you. Completing the Readiness for Assessment programme with Aberlour Futures will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to get the most out of your modern apprenticeship.


To find out more and sign up to our August programme, please contact us here:

Portrait of a happy female university student with a red curly hair standing in a public park, holding her books and smiling